Monday, August 4, 2008

Somewhere in Kansas


We left St. Louis in the morning and drove and drove and drove. We could have stopped in Abilene, Kansas to see the Eisenhower Center but it was closed when we were in the area so finally we stopped in Salina, Kansas for one night. The camp was out in the middle of nowhere but it had full hookups. When I was checking in the guy behind the counter took a layout of the park, drew a circle around the campsites and told me to go park in what ever site I wanted. After setting up all we did was go swimming to cool off and relaxed for a while before turning in for the night.

I know you'all want to see pictures but we are having problems uploading them. Just try to imagine a stright road with flat land as far as the eye can see and you got Kansas.

We are now at a place where the internet connection is good so here are some pictures of Kansas.

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